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Worldgen : Dimensions : The Labyrinth


This article is a Work in Progress! It details a mod element that is being actively developed!

The Labyrinth

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Traveller's Guide Entry

An infinite maze of repeating rooms, nestled just outside of the worlds we know. Stay aware of potential inhabitants.

Infobox Subheader

Dimension Type: Dungeon
Hostile Mob Spawns: Zombies, Skeletons, Creepers

Infobox Subheader

Info: xyz

The Labyrinth is a dimension that stretches on infinitely along the X and Z axes, generating randomly assorted rooms and halls, leading every world to have a different assembly of hallways. Within The Labyrinth, there are portals to various dimensions that appear occasionally, such as the Overworld or The End.

The Labyrinth acts as a hub of sorts for the mod, containing rooms with large ornate portals in the center. These portal blocks are not crossable by entities normally, to prevent unwanted buildup of mobs on the other side.

Table of Contents
  1. Generation
  2. Labyrinth Rooms
    1. Standard Rooms
    2. Subsection 2
  3. Subheader 2
  4. Subheader 3
  5. Trivia
  6. Gallery


The Labyrinth generates at Y=64, with each room taking up one chunk (16x16) at the Labyrinth's base level, with a rare few rooms reaching above to generate larger areas. the area surrounding the Labyrinth is constructed purely of an unbreakable rock, to prevent mobs spawning on the exterior of the structure, and to prevent unwanted softlocks.

The Labyrinth's halls are greatly varied, but occasionally will generate closed-off pockets. These pockets are usually inaccessible, as the Labyrinth's blocks are indestructible and immovable by pistons, but using methods such as chorus fruits or Boots of the Echoing Void, a player can slip into these sealed-off pockets of the Labyrinth with ease. They could make for excellent secret bases, if the space is substantial enough.

Labyrinth Rooms

The Labyrinth is constructed from an assortment of rooms, selected at random upon worldgen. For the most part, these rooms will be empty, possibly allowing mobs to spawn naturally if the Zone is considered hostile or dangerous.

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Left image example. next one has no caption
example image

Standard Rooms

Standard rooms are defined by a general lack of anything inside of them, having the role of being generic filler. Most standard rooms have 3 to four passageways, making up a majority of the Labyrinth's room selection.

Standard rooms have entries/exits on three to four of the sides, with random orientations and combinations of North, South, East, and West respectively.

